Kupe Member Code of Conduct
1. Mission Statement
The reputation of Kupe Canoe Club (KCC) is determined largely by how individual members and the club as a whole behave and present themselves.
KCC aims to provide a safe and friendly environment on and off the water, to promote and preserve unity within the club for the enjoyment of its members and associates.
It is important therefore that all club members act appropriately towards each other and to others outside the club.
No KCC member shall by their actions or behavior directly or indirectly endanger, harm or detract from the enjoyment or reputation of others within or outside the club.
2. Safety and Respect for Others
As a member of KCC, it is your responsibility to ensure the rights and safety of others are respected at all times. When in charge of a group or individual it is your responsibility to ensure safety is not compromised and appropriate action is taken to minimise any risk both to yourself and others. Members will act safely and follow good practice in activities associated with the club.
3. Environmental Management
KCC members or parties of others led by KCC members will not knowingly cause the physical environment which we use and enjoy, to be damaged, destroyed, polluted or detrimentally affected, by our activities or actions.
4. Discrimination and Harassment
No discrimination or harassment will be tolerated by KCC members.
5. Legal Requirements
Members will comply with legal requirements of club related activities.
6. Breaching the Code
KCC members who are found to have breached our Code of Behavior may face disciplinary action. The procedures have been established to provide for the efficient and orderly conduct of the club’s activities, and to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the club and the other groups that occupy buildings shared with or near to the club’s premises, and others who come in contact with KCC.
Anyone believing a significant breach of the Code has occurred should report it to the KCC committee. It is the committee’s responsibility to ensure the Code of Behavior is adhered to and any breaches are investigated. The parties involved may be requested to appear before a sub-committee to present their case or provide and explanation. If the parties involved cannot resolve the issue through mediation by the committee or, in the eyes of the committee the explanation is not acceptable, the committee has the right to take appropriate action.
7. Penalties
If the committee finds that a breach of the Code of Behavior has occurred the committee has the right to impose penalties on the member(s). The committee has the right in extreme cases to expel any member(s) from the club and from use of its facilities.
18th October 2025
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